LUX ASIA CATS is a small family Thai cattery in Luxembourg. As an officially recognised Luxembourg breeder and member of the LUX CAT CLUB FFL (Fédération Féline Luxembourgeoise), the Felis Belgica as well as the FIFe (Fédération Internationale Féline), the primary goal is to respect the breeding standards of the Thai cat and to breed healthy and genetically pure kittens.
Oksana breeds Thai cats as a responsible hobby and attaches great importance to the health and care of the animals. For any enquiries regarding cat information, breeding and kittens, Oksana is always at your disposal.
The kittens are growing up in our family so they are well socialised. They will be handed over at the age of 16 weeks. At the handover they are:
- vaccinated against RCP + FeLV (Herpesvirus, Calicivirus, Panleucopénie and FeLV )
- vaccinated against rabies
- dewormed 2 times
- chipped
Each kitten comes with:
- EU pet passport
- FIFe international recognised pedigree
- transfer contract
- Starter kit with high-quality dry and wet food, cuddly cushion, toys etc.
Even after handing over our kittens, you will always receive full support from us. Whether it's getting used to the kittens, changing their food or other questions - we are always there for you and your kittens.

The thai cat (Old style Siamese)
The Siamese cat originates from what is now Thailand (formerly Siam) and has existed for hundreds of years. According to legend, Siamese cats were sacred and guarded Buddhist temples. People believed that they helped the souls of the dead to pass into the afterlife. Their Thai name "wichian mat" means "moon diamond" and is an allusion to their elegant appearance.
The first pair of Siamese cats - a gift from the King of Siam to the British Royal Family - arrived in Britain at the end of the 19th century and established the breeding of the breed in Europe.
As Siamese breeding in Europe continued to develop towards a more graceful type of cat, the more vigorous, original type remained as a separate breed: the Thai cat (or Old Siamese). This laid the foundation for breeding and recognition as a pedigree cat with its own standard.
The Thai cat is stubborn and temperamental, but at the same time affectionate and demands a lot of attention. It stands out due to its strong assertiveness and "possessive" nature.
The Thai cat is a sensitive, affectionate velvet paw, which seems downright "dog-like" in its affection for people. The Thai cat usually has no problems with children and dogs in the household.
The beautiful Point cat is always curious and open-minded: It examines everything unknown extensively and examines it "expertly".
A Thai cat is a housemate that should be cared for intensively - and even then it absolutely needs the company of a conspecific. Ideally, you should take littermates or choose a cat with a similar personality as a housemate.
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